Saturday, August 13, 2011

My fooot is in pain?

okay for the past couple months my middle toe in my left foot keeps hurting really bad and it makes me limp around for a couple hours and then it goes away but its only on my left foot and its really anoying and it hurts hecka bad and its happens like a couple times a week and i dont think my left foot grew cuz all my toes would hurt not just my middle one and i (i know this sucks and i got bad toe genetics from my dad) but i have bunions and a "crow toe" i think its called where the second one sticks up a little so maybe the bunions/ crow toe is bugging my other toes and my toes hurt more when my shoes are oof so i dont think its the shoe problem and sometimes there a bruise there too and if it is a shoe problem my middle (or third toe) isn't the longest my second toe is thank you

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